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Marshall Kilburn Portable
On the off chance that you have an escalated stop

Deep. Understanding. Tenderness. And full of very quiet moments of Kaixa.

That is what you can see in “Parallel coordinates” – a special re-edition of “5 time zones, 10 hours of flight time and a self-contained eyelash”.

With a completely new look with a “strange” idea from the editorial Bloom Books, The parallel coordinates will send you a reminder of a strong bond, through space and time in between. past and present, between Paris and Hanoi – two “resident coordinates” associated with the author Kaixa.

“One can do so many things with the iron and blue chair in the Tuileries Garden. Sit up and read, watch the sky, watch the people, watch the ducks swim in the fountains, the long lines in front of the Amorino ice cream vans, in front of the Musée de l’Orangerie and the Jeu de Center Paume, or shoots a couple whispering on another nearby chair.


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On the off chance that you have an escalated stop

Deep. Understanding. Tenderness. And full of very quiet moments of Kaixa.

That is what you can see in "Parallel coordinates" - a special re-edition of "5 time zones, 10 hours of flight time and a self-contained eyelash".

With a completely new look with a "strange" idea from the editorial Bloom Books, The parallel coordinates will send you a reminder of a strong bond, through space and time in between. past and present, between Paris and Hanoi - two "resident coordinates" associated with the author Kaixa.

“One can do so many things with the iron and blue chair in the Tuileries Garden. Sit up and read, watch the sky, watch the people, watch the ducks swim in the fountains, the long lines in front of the Amorino ice cream vans, in front of the Musée de l'Orangerie and the Jeu de Center Paume, or shoots a couple whispering on another nearby chair.

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Price $10.00$9.99$0.00

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Description"The Four Winds seems eerily prescient in 2021 . . . Its message is galvanizing and hopeful: We are a nation of scrappy survivors. ” ―The New York TimesKISS ME MORE is about two people’s emotion and responses. All the thoughts, writings was been penned by the imaginative purpose of the writers itself. This work is fiction and the amazing imaginations. Enjoy it by reading them word by word to feel joyous heartily.Poetry world about the identity of life by respective poets and poetesses from global by introducing the literature world. Global Visionary Pen Legacy with multi talent personnel.
On the off chance that you have an escalated stop
Deep. Understanding. Tenderness. And full of very quiet moments of Kaixa. That is what you can see in "Parallel coordinates" - a special re-edition of "5 time zones, 10 hours of flight time and a self-contained eyelash". With a completely new look with a "strange" idea from the editorial Bloom Books, The parallel coordinates will send you a reminder of a strong bond, through space and time in between. past and present, between Paris and Hanoi - two "resident coordinates" associated with the author Kaixa. “One can do so many things with the iron and blue chair in the Tuileries Garden. Sit up and read, watch the sky, watch the people, watch the ducks swim in the fountains, the long lines in front of the Amorino ice cream vans, in front of the Musée de l'Orangerie and the Jeu de Center Paume, or shoots a couple whispering on another nearby chair.
'KISS ME MORE' is a Love Duet Anthology compiled by 20 International co-authors. Everyone has spilled their emotions in the form of poetry about love.     

International authors from 11 countries have penned splendidly about life as it relates to today's living. Philippines, New Zealand, Kenya, Nigeria, USA, Russia, Bolivia, Ghana, UK, Zimbabwe, and Malaysia. Stay tuned for the publishing date.

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